Contact – Road transportation

Combined (railway-road) transport

The combined (railway-road) transport merges the environmentally beneficial effect of railway delivery and the economic benefits for long distance, together with the mobility of trucks. With this solution a faster, more flexible supply can be insured than with direct railway transport.
With direct connection between the forwarder doing the local road delivery and the client, the transport can be organised well and reliable delivery provided. Based on the client’s needs, the material discharged from the railway tank wagons and delivered to the address, can be controlled by weighing.

With careful planning and appropriate organisation, the wagons waiting at the railway stations for a few days can also be used as warehouses, which decreases investment needs and increases safety if the existing silo capacity is insufficient.
Bigger users can combine the advantages of direct railway transport and complex transport in a way that they have a load of one day by road but they deliver the remaining quantity by that truck from the wagons oriented to the next railway station, in the quantity based on the current need.
Discharge from the wagon into to the truck can be realised free from dusting and loss of material, if the accessories and the technology developed by Pultrans Kft. are utilised.

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